Section from The Old Schoolhouse

By: Tammy Holloway

      Jared slowly approached Kaley. “Y y you na na never ccc cccame in?” “No Jared, I fell asleep in the car and woke up just before I saw you come out. I heard a noise and decided to join you.” Listen K K Kaley, you were with us almost the whole time. Y y you have to believe ma ma me.” Just then, Sam came running up. “Sam! Thank goodness you are alright!” “No thanks to you Kaley. What were you thinking anyway? You just better be glad you’re my friend or I’d have to give you a good wallop on the head.” Jared broke them up; “She dada doesn’t remememember being in here Sss sa ss Sam.” “What? That’s crazy! Of course she remembers. Don’t you Kaley?” Kaley looked at Sam, puzzled and shrugged her shoulders. “I was asleep in the car the whole time.”

      Jared decided it was best they make their way to the exit. Sam stumbled upon the room where Jared swore he saw something earlier. “Watch my back;” Sam said and started her way into the room. “Ss Sa Sam! Wh wh what are y y you doing?”Her flashlight slowly rose up to the ceiling. Jared fell to his knees and began to vomit. Sam screamed, “NOOO!” Kaley was dead. There was a gripping fear that surrounded them as they stood in shock over what they saw. A loud crash came from inside the building and they snapped out of it.

     Puzzled and ill over what they just witnessed, Sam and Jared faced the reality that they had to get out of that place and fast. Things were happening that they couldn’t explain and it was definitely evil. They made a run for it. Jared and Sam jumped in the car.

 …From the back seat; “What’s going on Jared? What took you guys so long?”

Whenever I search and read other people’s blogs, I am always interested in what they have on their page. These were 3 ideas I retrieved from one site this time, but others have contributed in the past as well. Some of the additions I found while surfing were the Live Feed, where I get to see the city and state or country where someone visited form during the day…Too cool!

I also added these things:

(You can click on them and that will take you to these sites)

This has only been on my page for one day! Look at the visitors and flags of their countries. Wow!

Thanks so much for visiting:-)

This site allows you to copy your links into their site and check for plagiarism. It is a way to keep people honest I suppose, but from what I’ve researched, people do not typically steal work. They sure the heck aren’t going to steal mine! HAHA! It’s still cool. I’m weird like that.

This has to be the most awesome feature of all! See that flags up above? They can all read my blog in any language they choose! How reader friendly is that??? Well, I had to share and hope you all find this useful. As for my readers – Thank you so much! You are awesome! You make me feel special:-) I just hope I deliver the same for you!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I retrieved these from It is a very helpful site for bloggers:-)

Was this helpful to you?

Have a sci-fi day everyone! TLH

So this picture kind of describes what my thumb feels like….I really am a complete goofball. So I was doing dished and used my thumb nail to scrape of a noodle that was stuck to the bottom of the pan right? Well, that was dumb. The noodle came off alright. Right in between my thumb nail about half way through! Something so stupid and I woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing thumb. I carried a wash cloth and an ice-cube to bed and that helped me get back to sleep. This morning I tried epsom salt. I still have spaghetti up in my nail so I was hoping to draw it out. I tried to take a close up picture of my nail and that was a complete fail! 

The kicker is, I just finished finals and have a few free days to write……Stupid spaghetti! Stupid dishes! Stupid Tammy trying to use my own stupid nail to scrape stupid noodles off a stupid pot! So with that said, I am just glad it was not a headache. I will take a chainsaw to my leg before a migraine any day! A noodle in my nail is not so bad:-p

Have a sci-fi day everyone! TLH

I discovered this site from a friend on Google+ and thought it was cool. You draw a stick man and watch him come to life with interactions throughout the video. If you’re bored give it a try. I laughed pretty hard during the whole thing:-)

Here is a picture of my actual stick man. Aren’t I quite the artist? lol!

Roustan Copywriting

Master Internet Copywriter – Pierre Roustan

Offering a promise to write with passion

Pierre’s beliefs:

Dreams Are The Most Important Aspect In Life

Live Without Fear, Or Don’t Live At All

His blog displays an Excellent Professional Portfolio



Here are Pierre’s qualifications:

  • Member of American Writers & Artists Inc.
  • Copywriter and Content Writer for HelloLife LLC and Copypress.
  • Author with Eirelander Publishing: debut December 4th, 2009, release of THE CAIN LETTERS, an urban fantasy.
  • Assistant Editor and Copy Editor with Eirelander Publishing.
  • Former Caption Editor for Closed Captioning Services – April, 2006 to May 2009.
  • Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, University of Illinois at Chicago, December 2003.


Visit ROUSTAN COPYWRITING for a FREE no-obligation quote on any of these internet copywriting services below:

  • Ghostwriting
  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Editing

Pierre is one of my friends on Facebook and I enjoy reading his posts;-) When he asked for help in promoting his work, I was happy to do so and wish him the best of luck!


Have a sci-fi day everyone! ~ TLH

Nervous, worried, scared someone might make fun of your work? When I started this journey not so long ago, I had these fears. My first was how others might feel about my writing. After getting up the courage to finally show some of my material to others, I then felt worried about it being stolen. After getting past that I finally realized I really wanted to write….and be good at it too. I decided to get involved in a writers association. That led me to writers conferences, which led me to an old English professor of mine, which directed me to a writing coach. This is where the nervous part comes in. I actually paid a professional to look over my work.

(I’m sorry but I have a spaghetti noodle jammed up in my thumb nail and it is THROBBING like crazy!)

Anyway, She did exactly what I thought she would do and I was humbled. However, that did not stop me. I knew it was going to need work. Heck the only writing skills I have are from college essays and simple English courses. I never actually studied writing like many of you have. What I did keep in my mind was that I had creativity in my mind. Story after story flows through me and I just needed the writing skills in order to present the material in an exciting way. Needless to say, I’ve learned so much from many people like you and I thank all of you.

I plan to repay you. I want to give back what had been given to me and then some. How? By Inspiring, researching, sharing, teaching and guiding those who are new to writing like all of us were at one time. Imagine your very first day of writing; the day you decided you wanted to “be” a writer. What was it like? How did you feel? These are the things that will inspire new writers. It is not about how you succeeded or how you wrote a best seller; but how you got up and fell down a million times before finally getting to a point of success.

People fear. That’s what we do. Fear gets in the way of so many wonderful things in our lives and we must conquer it. You are all wonderful people. Every person is unique. Your words mean something to others. Not just some of you…”All” of you. Maybe the words help get you through the day. What if they help someone else get through the day too? You are amazing and deserve only the best! Stand up to your fear and face it!

New writers reading this, hear me out – Write! WRITE! WRITE!!!..and share it so we can marvel in your world and you can grow into an amazing writer as you hope to do! Take fear out back and kick its ass! I believe in you. Fight for what you want and ignore what others want “for” you. This is about you and you are special. Listen to only those who mean to help you improve; those who have experience. Take it in and learn from it. Smile at those who criticize you because they could never be capable of growing as you will. They will look back one day and regret. Forgive them and move on. Become stronger by pushing through all the twists and turns along the way. Never throw away any of your work! It is what may become one of your best sellers one day. Become a leader for new writers as you follow those you admire. Grow, achieve, become, inspire! Pass on this great form of expression! and of course, GOOD LUCK!!!!

(I am going to soak my thumb in peroxide again….I am seriously stupid. How does one injure themself while doing dishes? By the way, don’t scrape dried spaghetti noodles off the pot with your nails OUCH! Guess that’s why people call me goofy:-p)

Have a wonderful sci-fi day everyone! TLH

Blank Page “Write”?

Posted: October 18, 2011 in life
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It’s cool to look at. I stared at it for a good while. It’s a good way to think about…well, whatever I guess. I am actually sitting next to my crazy husband and he laughed at me. He said “why are you staring at a blank page?” BINGO! Yeah so just go with it okay? I love writing. That is what I do, that is what helps me relax, and it saves my husband from hearing me blabber about nothing for hours…lol!

Writing is an interesting beast. She waits in our head and explodes when we least expect it. If we are without writing tools, we may lose it and forget it at a later time. I typically write when my husband is at work but today I spent a wonderful afternoon with him. We travelled down to Atlanta to pick up some garage doors. We love our “road time”. The conversation is anything but boring, as usual. Of course we have to stop half a dozen times because I have the bladder of a child. HA! So today I get to write in the evening to spill all of my joy onto this computer.

I did have to make a quick stop at the local grocery store. I tend to strike up a conversation with the cashier when checking out and today was no different. We were all laughing before it was all said and done. The conversation was about men, bacon, Home Depot, belts, wallets and what to get a man for his birthday. Somewhere in there it was brought up how many alcoholic drinks have bacon in them now… EWE!!!!! I mentioned chocolate bacon and things just got interesting form there. So yeah…never a dull moment. People really must think I’m crazy..but hey, they laughed and that’s awesome!

Now I sit and stare at a full page of words. I am content:-) Have a wonderfully awesome sci-fi evening folks! TLH

Great resources:

Getting noticed by the traditional publishing establishment.

Never a dull moment in our lives…that’s for sure! Nathan looked at me yesterday and said; “Your next blog should be The ‘Write’ Way to Spend the Weekend”…so here it is. He is right because we always have something going on that could be shared so you all can laugh with (or at) us;-) As long as you laugh…I’m good. lol!

So what did we do? Hmmm. Well, it started out with the usual – dinner and video game play. 2 systems, 2 TV’s, online playing Two Worlds II together. I play a warrior (I think). I have a big giant sword and lots of armor so whatever that is. Nathan is playing a mage. He is all decked out in some weird-looking robe and a wizard hat casting spells as we venture through the game. I favor the heal spell the best since I really suck at this stuff and he can heal me….all the time. He also summons weird-looking creatures. They get in the way and Nathan laughs at me because I am attacking them instead of the bad guys. Yeah, you have to see it to understand.


We play together because we enjoy doing things together. It doesn’t matter if I am not that good or he is not that interested. It is the time we are together and how we spend that time.

We watched the movie Benchwarmers. I never watched it and Nathan insisted I see it. HAHAHAHAHA! I am so glad he did because I laughed and laughed…yet appreciated the message it had in there about bullying. That movie should be re-released with all the crap that’s going on now. John Heder is too funny in it!

Wal-Mart trip!! Woohoo! That is a treat around here. We are 30 minutes from any Wal-mart so we only go about once a month. Can you imagine? Once a month! lol! We headed on over to the Wal-Mart in Murphy, NC (we do have options…3 actually lol). We went to the vision center and left without buying a thing. How does that happen? (Finding out how much new glasses were, that’s how!)

Did somebody say Home Depot? Well now, things are getting way out of hand here. Our weekend is heatin’ up isn’t it? lol! Our floor is falling out from under our bed. Yeah, great job to the person that designed this house. They deserve the “I’m an idiot” award. Visuals please….We’ve went through every scenario and they are not pretty so off to throw more money away. Woohoo! $30 worth of plywood and we were back in business…..or were we?

Rotten floor = moisture; Moisture = mold; Huge king sized log bed = wood; Moisture + wood = HOLY CRAP THAT STINKS!

Yep – we had to pull the entire bed apart, take it outside, cut 6 inches off the bottoms of each leg…Now I don’t have to jump to get in bed thank you very much (which should bring to mind a visual of the rotten floor giving way), seal the feet so it doesn’t happen again and put 2 coats of paint on the whole bed frame…all while dealing with gnats all over the place. Now doesn’t that sound like fun? Well, to these two crazy people it was! We are creating memories every day…and unique ones at that.

My husband, my best friend, my hero:-)

The fireplace was roarin’, hot chocolate was brewin’ and the couch awaited us for cuddle time;-)

Happy Monday everyone!

Have a sci-fi day! TLH


Today is a good day, just as every other day in my life.


Today, I will fight to regain my happiness as I pick myself back up off the ground,

brush off the dust and move forward.


Today, I will forgive and admit my faults as I try to push them on others.


Today, I will give and expect nothing in return.


Today, I was beat down by this cruel world but got up to face the next blow.


Today, I am thankful, no matter how bad I feel.


Today, someone else is suffering. My pain does not help them.


Today, I cried but wiped my tears away to write this blog in the hopes of inspiring others.


~Tammy Holloway~